Want to really change your life with one simple step? Try buying experiences instead of things. There’s nothing I’m necessarily opposed to about having ‘things’, it’s more about why you want those things. In the western hemisphere, we’re raised within a capitalistic society that is all about consumption; buying things for consumption keeps the system prosperous. We’re trained that we need to …
Chad E Cooper’s interview with Jeff Griffin.
From the Chad E Cooper podcast.
6 Tips to Help You Keep Your Commitments to Time
One of the reasons I developed the Rule of 168 Hours™ is that during the many years I have been coaching, clients have needed an answer to what stands between survival and success. For the most part it has been our lack of understanding of time and how to use it. Many of us move through our day not even …
Today Is Armed Forces Day, A Day To Celebrate The Men And Women Who Serve Our Country.
Having served in the armed forces myself, I want to begin with expressing my immense gratitude for our troops, because the freedoms we have today are not possible without the individual sacrifices of our military men and women. These sacrifices are those that are both seen and unseen — from the soldier who is willing to step out in leadership and put …
Meditation: Moving from DOING to BEING
One of my favorite comedians, JP Sears, has become an internet sensation with his satirical “ultra spiritual” video series. His Instagram and YouTube channel are full of “how to” guides on topics such as being vegan, using essential oils, getting offended, being a minimalist, and of course (the ultimate spiritual practice) how to meditate. Being a Marine, I know the …